Waste & Recycling MEA, in association with YES Full Circle, is organising an Electronic Waste Collection Drive at GEMS Legacy School, Garhoud, Dubai, to mark World Environment Day 2022. The collection drive will continue till June 25.
Asha Alexander, Principal, GEMS Legacy School, Swaliha Shanavas, Editor, Waste & Recycling MEA, and Samantha Haymo, Business Development Manager, YES Full Circle, inaugurated the campaign.
Addressing the children, Ms. Asha and Ms. Swaliha spoke about how waste segregation at source is critical for recycling. They educated children on how to segregate e-scrap from the rest of the household waste. Calling the students the ‘Eco-warriors’, the principal said children should understand their responsibility towards the environment.
Children from across Grades participated enthusiastically in the drive. They brought end-of-life electronic items such as chargers, keyboards, mobile phones, laptops, electronic toys, etc. from their homes to drop in the e-waste collection box placed on the school campus. Prizes will be given away at the end of the campaign.