The South African Plastics Pact announced the launch of the SA Plastics Pact Roadmap, a document which outlines the key activities and key outcomes to be achieved as Pact members continue the journey to achieving the four ambitions targets set by the Pact by 2025. The roadmap sets the broad agenda for how the SA Plastics Pact actions contribute towards their 2025 targets, in line with the vision for a circular economy for plastics.
The roadmap shows what the members and supporters of the Pact will do to deliver the SA Plastics Pact targets, with key outcomes in two interim milestones (mid 2021 and end 2023), and finally end 2025. The roadmap aims to inspire and mobilise members and supporters to act, and to galvanise wider action by national government departments, city authorities, NGOs, funders, packaging/product designers, brand owners, retailers and others who are not members of the SA Plastics Pact but have a crucial role to play, as per the news release.
The activities and outcomes outlined in this Roadmap aim to build upon the work and programmes already being undertaken in South Africa to maximise the benefits of plastic packaging and design out negative impacts, so as not to duplicate efforts. Achieving these targets will bring huge benefits for South Africa, but would require hard decisions to be made, significant investment and some compromises, as per the statement. The Roadmap is a live document and will evolve in future versions.
The SA Plastics Pact was launched in January 2020, as part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s global Plastics Pact network.