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All you need to know about bans on single-use bags and styrofoam products effective from June 1

From tomorrow, two important rules in UAE's efforts towards waste minimisation will come into effect in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Here are some key facts...

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May 31 2024
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From June 1, customers will have to carry reusable bags to stores in Dubai as single-use plastic bags will no longer be available, Dubai Municipality reminded the public on X recently. The ban applies to paper bags too. Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) also announced, as part of its Single-Use Plastic Policy, the ban on a series of Styrofoam products in the emirate effective from June 1. Here is what you need to know about both the rules:  

Key facts about Dubai’s ban on single-use plastic bags 

Does the ban include all single-use bags? (Paper? Recycled paper? Recycled plastic?)

 Yes, starting from June 1, 2024, the comprehensive ban on single-use bags will include all types of bags that are 57 micrometers thick and less such as:  

  • Plastic bags
  • Paper bags
  • Bags made from biodegradable plant materials
  • Biodegradable bags  

What bags are exempted from the ban policy?  

  • Bread bags
  • Wrapping bags for vegetables, meats, fish, and chicken
  • Trash bin liners
  • Bags that are 58 mm thick
  • Laundry bags
  • Electronic device bags
  • Various garbage bags
  • Grain bags 

For End-Consumers 

What are the alternatives to bags? 

Dubai Municipality encourages the use of reusable bags that can be used for an extended period.  

Can I bring my own bags or carriers to use instead of buying plastic bags from stores? 

Yes, you can bring your own bags and carriers to use instead of buying plastic bags from the store. This is the sustainable practice that is encouraged.  

Does the ban decision include bags used for packaging products purchased online? 

No, the ban does not include bags used for products packaged online. 

Will the 25-fil fee on single-use bags continue to be applied? 

No, not after June 1, 2024, which is when all types of single-use bags will be banned. 

Key facts about Abu Dhabi’s ban on styrofoam products: 

What is styrofoam? 

Styrofoam is a type of plastic called expanded polystyrene and it has a range of uses. As part of the ban, Abu Dhabi is targeting avoidable, single-use consumer products. 

What products are banned? 

The banned products comprise cups, lids, plates and beverage containers (including their caps and lids) made of expanded polystyrene. In addition, food container receptacles for products that are intended for immediate consumption, either on the spot or for takeaway, or containers that have a product that is typically consumed from the receptacle and is ready to be consumed without any further preparation such as cooking, boiling or heating, will also be prohibited.

What products are exempted?

The products that will be exempt from the ban include those not designed for single consumer use such as big storage boxes and coolers and trays used for meat, fruit, ready-made dairy products and other food items for retail sale. Also, all other products designed for medical uses are also exempted.